
House Hibernation: 8 Ways to Get Your Home Ready for Winter

We know what you’re thinking—yes, it’s already that time of year, and yes, we miss summer too! With colder temperatures en route (look on the bright side, no spring allergies!), now’s the time to check the items below off of your list so you can be snug as a bug in a rug this winter.Take stock on your winter essentials Shovels, ice scraper, de-icer, emergency kit for your car are just a few of the things you don’t want to be caught without.

Take stock on your winter essentials Shovels, ice scraper, de-icer, and an emergency car kit are just a few of the things you don’t want to be caught without.

Turn off outside faucets and store hoses The last thing you need is a frozen or bursting pipe, so shut off the water to all of your exterior faucets before it’s too late.

Test outdoor bulbs As daylight dwindles, our reliance on outdoor lighting increases. A well-lit porch will help prevent you and your loved ones from slippery surfaces.

Check safety devices Now’s the perfect time to test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors; replace batteries as needed. You’ll also want to check your fire extinguisher for its expiration date and replace if necessary.

Remove window a/c unit Let’s face it—you won’t be needing this for a while. Remove the unit if possible, and if not, be sure to cover it with insulating wrap to keep cold air out.
Vacuum radiators, baseboard heaters and grates.

Seal all gaps Apply weather-stripping around the doors and window frames to increase your energy efficiency. While you’re at it, fill any small holes you see in your home. Critters of all kind are looking for a warm place to settle in for the season, and even the tiniest of gaps could be the flashing, neon vacancy sign of their dreams.

Clean dryer vents Static electricity increases in cold weather, so be sure to stay on top of lint build up in your dryer. Hot clothes fresh from the dryer are great and all, but flaming clothes due to a lint fire? Not so much.

Clean gutter and downspouts Now that the leaves have gone and filled up your gutters and downspouts for you, it’s time to transfer them to their rightful place– a pumpkin lawn bag. Clogged gutters can fill with ice and damage your roof and siding.

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