
To-Dos: Your June Home Checklist

By now, summer plans are at the forefront of everyone’s mind.Whether you have plans to travel or are simply heading to your home away from home, here are some suggestions to provide peace of mind while your away and to make your home ready for the glorious days of summer ahead:

Monitor Irrigation Systems A leaky sprinkler or hose that goes unnoticed can quickly cause big problems for your lawn and garden. Be sure to check each component weekly and keep a close eye on your water meter.

Install screen doors It’s finally safe to remove the storm doors and let the summer breeze in with screen doors. Closely inspect the screens for any holes or tears and patch as needed.

Check Cooling Systems You don’t want to wait until its 40 degrees to find our your air conditioner isn’t running properly. Look for clogs in the condensate drain, clean or replace all air filters, and remove any dust or dirt buildup around coils to improve cooling efficiency.

Remove Standing Water To prevent your yard from becoming a mosquito breeding ground, regularly dump any standing water that you see.

Clean Gutters and Downspouts If you still haven’t had a chance to clear your home’s drainage, be sure to tackle this essential task as soon as possible. Leaf- and debris-clogged gutters can lead to leaks and siding damage with summer storms.

Hold Mail If you know you’re going to be away for an extended period of time, it’s a good idea to either forward or hold your mail.

Power Wash Give your siding and deck a thorough cleaning to remove any built up grime, pollen, mold and mildew to keep your home looking fresh.

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