How to Make Sure Your Home is Properly Winterized
With the snow falling, make sure you are prepared for the winter months ahead. Taking care of some quick and easy chores now could save you time and money down the road.
Following this property maintenance checklist will help ensure you have a properly winterized home.
- Make sure your furnace filter is clean and properly sized. Check the thermostat to be sure it’s working and that the pilot light is functioning. Have a qualified specialist clean and check your furnace, replacing and cleaning the necessary parts. Vacuum hot and cold air registers if necessary.
- Check you chimney. If you haven’t used your fireplace in a while, check for animals, debris, and leaves. Consider having a qualified professional install a screen over your chimney opening.
- Clean your eavestrough and downspout. When they are clogged, rainwater backs up. When the temperature drops below freezing, the standing water freezes causing the eavestrough and downspouts to expand and crack. Remove any leaves, dirt, and debris.
- Check for broken, damaged or loose shingles, small holes, and loose nails. Check flashing around all dormers, vent pipes, chimneys and other projections where the roof covering meets an adjoining surface.
- Make sure your smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detectors are in working order. Check the batteries regularly. Remember to change batteries whenever you change your clocks.
- Check weather stripping around windows, doors, and between the foundation and siding. Replace where needed. If the caulk is cracked or peeling away, it allows your home’s heat to escape.
- Clean and repair cracks, fissures and joints in concrete surfaces. Repairing sidewalks and driveways will help with snow removal.
If you don’t have the time or the expertise for your winter home maintenance, contact a qualified professional.